Web services documentation

eDocs web services documentation index

eDocs has numerous built in web services. This page serves to document these web services.


The JavaDoc documentation for each web service is linked to next to the web service listed below. Click here for the JavaDoc documentation overview.

Web services

Below is a list of web services packaged with eDocs. Each service can have multiple versions - please use the latest, recommended version.


Allows you to obtain a session id from the server by authenticating using a username and password.

Recommended version:
3.0 | WSDL | Documentation
Deprecated versions:
2.0 | WSDL | Documentation
Chunk Archive

Allows archiving documents in chunks. Useful for when a document is too large to upload in one request.

Recommended version:
1.0 | WSDL | Documentation
Delivery Profiles

Configure automated envelopes that get created when new documents are archived onto the system.

Recommended version:
3.1 | WSDL | Documentation
Deprecated versions:
3.0 | WSDL | Documentation
2.0 | WSDL | Documentation
1.0 | WSDL | Documentation

Search for documents and obtain information about documents.

Recommended version:
1.3 | WSDL | Documentation
Deprecated versions:
1.2 | WSDL | Documentation
1.1 | WSDL | Documentation
1.0 | WSDL | Documentation

Allows creating and sending envelopes

Recommended version:
1.0 | WSDL | Documentation
Expected Documents

Use this web service to inform the system of documents that should have been archived in a date period. The system can the report which documents were not archived.

Recommended version:
1.0 | WSDL | Documentation
External Poll

Use this web service to poll the system for new documents archived onto a node.

Recommended version:
1.0 | WSDL | Documentation

Use this web service to manage and get information about nodes.

Recommended version:
1.1 | WSDL | Documentation
Deprecated versions:
1.0 | WSDL | Documentation
Pdf Index Submit

You can use this web service to submit documents to eDocs to be indexed and archived onto the system.

Recommended version:
1.1 | WSDL | Documentation
Deprecated versions:
1.0 | WSDL | Documentation

You can use this web service to download reporting data.

Recommended version:
1.0 | WSDL | Documentation

Create and manipulate user accounts.

Recommended version:
1.0 | WSDL | Documentation

Interact with documents and various parts of the system.

Recommended version:
3.3 | WSDL | Documentation
Deprecated versions:
3.2 | WSDL | Documentation
3.1 | WSDL | Documentation
3.0 | WSDL | Documentation

Renders XML documents to PDF.

Recommended version:
1.0 | WSDL | Documentation

Get entries out of ZIP files archived on the system.

Recommended version:
1.0 | WSDL | Documentation